2025 Membership
Yes it is that time of year where we start our membership drive.
You can download the membership form or pick one up at the hall.
Membership Dues are $20.00 per person
We do have our additional Member Sponsors:
Bronze $50.00, Silver $100.00, Gold $200.00 or Platinum $300.00 or more.
You can use the QR Codes to pay or download the form and mail/take it in.
The Precious Metals
The Precious Metals can be added to your membership. Just click on which one (Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum)
you would like to add with your membership. Any membership questions please reach out to membership@jvia.org
2024 Precious Metals
Here are the 2024 Precious Metals Members. Thanks to all who added their names to the current list.
You can add your name to the list for 2025, just choose which one you would like to add to your membership.
Starting in 2011 our faithful Member Sponsors donations first restored the losses JVIA has suffered due to months of closure while the JVIA Well was drilled and the kitchen underwent a major remodel.
A grant from the County paid for all that and our volunteers donated hours of time and materials, but our Association had lost the regular income from the Saturday Breakfasts and Dinners. Regular expenses, insurance, taxes and permits and more permits kept on coming.
Every year since then, the generosity of our Member Sponsors has built up a find that stood us in good stead when the Covid lockdowns hit in 2021. Once again, our regular income flow was interrupted, but building maintenance continued, utility bills, permits, insurance and tax bills were paid.
To our members who gave extra when
you paid your dues, please know your generosity for the last thirteen years has
been appreciated by every JVIA Officers and Director
2023 Precious Metals
Here are the 2023 Precious Metals Members. Thanks to all who added their names to the current list.
You can add your name to the list for 2024, just choose which one you would like to add to your membership.